sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

PAUL'S MINISTRY - Epistle to Titus, Chapter 3: Instructions for the Christians of Crete - Personal Messages and Greetings - (with Photo, Videos, Maps, Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries and Sermons in English and Spanish) - (Part 3 of 3)

titus 3 photo: Titus 3:4-7 Titus3-4-7.jpg 

Map of Ancient Greece

greece map photo: Homeric Greece HomericGreece.png

Crete Island

crete island photo: Island of Crete  view 2 00970019.jpg

Letters Written by Paul


Paul's Voyage to Rome


Titus 3

III. Operation of the Church (2:1 – 3:11)

3.2 Instructions for the Christians of Crete
Do What Is Good

christian faith photo: christian faith christian-faith.jpg

3.2.1 Demonstration of Good Works  
(Be Ready for Every Good Work)
(Titus 3:1-11)
(NIV* & ESV)

a. In relation to governments (3:1)

civil law photo: Consider-the-relevance-of-the-Division-Between-Civil-and-Criminal-Lawzps822807bd Consider-the-relevance-of-the-Division-Between-Civil-and-Criminal-Law_zps822807bd-1_zpsecc852fe.jpg

b. In relation to all people (3:2-8)

crowd of people photo: Crowd of people Crowd.jpg

b'. Graces of the Heirs of Grace

grace of god photo: By the Grace of God GOD.jpg

c. In relation to false teachers (3:9-11)

false prophets photo: false prophets and false teachers wolfinsheepskin.jpg

c'. Avoid Dissension

quarrel photo: Zoce quarrel zquarrel50g.gif

IV. Personal Messages and Greetings 
(Titus 3:12-15)

4.1 Final Messages (12-14)

4.2 Farewell (v 15)

(*) The Ryrie Study Bible – New International Version

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one of the largest islands in the Meditterranean, about 140  miles long and 35 broad

It was a very prosperous and populous island, having a “hundred cities.”

The character of the people is described in Paul's quotation from “one of their own poets” (Epimenides) in his epistle to Titus: “The Cretans are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” (Titus 1:12). Jews from Crete were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:11). The island was visited by Paul on his voyage to Rome (Acts 27).

Here Paul subsequently left Titus (1:5) “to ordain elders.” Some have supposed that it was the original home of the Caphtorim (q.v.) or Philistines.

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to The Letter to Titus

1) English


Titus 3:1-3 Intro: Paul is concerned that the new Christians on Crete Behave! ILL – Last word out of mom’s mouth most nights! Great Truth: Christian Morality flows from Theology! Titus contains two great Doctrinal Statement! ν Last week, more than “Ought to” and “better not” Why and How…. Work of Jesus on Cross and in Us. Chapter Two – How we Live with Each other (Behave in Church) Theology – Vs. 11-14 Chapter Three – How We Live in the World (Behave among Pagans) Read 2:15 – 3:8 Note: speak, exhort, reprove and remind Next week we will dig into the Theology, what we Believe (rich) Tonight, Morality… How we Behave in this Pagan world… ν Especially relevant for Southern Baptist from OK and Texas! How to Relate to those Over you in this World… Authorities. Vs. 1 – Be Subject… Be a good citizen of your city and of Rome! • Obey – not just in theory, but in practice. • Not only passively or negatively (not break laws, cause trouble); but actively and positively (good work as citizens) Matthew 5: 40 --- Sue for shirt, give him coat; Forced to carry one mile, go two! ILL – Infantacide was a problem in Roman empire.. Unhealthy or unwanted children abandoned Christians adopted them and raised as own! ν Ministry to Sick; Stability to Families… App – Live as Citizens who reflect the Glory of Gospel!! How to Relate to Those Around you in this World; Pagan Culture Vs. 2 – Notice the shift from Authorities to No One and All People Stop Maligning = Speak evil of no man, Slander no one Blasphemeo… ν Paul has strong words for false teachers; inside church and openly, to their face… Peaceable – not a brawler (kjv)… get along with public. Gentle – One the characteristics of Jesus…Gentle & Humble Showing Consideration – True Humility in all Relationships!! (No room for Pride here…) Vs. 3 – Before you get on your High Horse, Remember… Be Different Be Patient App – Lost people are expected to be Hateful; But not Us! Clear Application -- Quick, Clear… No Easy way… 1. Watch your words when you are talking Politics… about our President. Email Too! “Speak Evil of No Man” – gentle, peaceable, considerate.. ILL – Conversation of Cable News pundits and Radio Talk Jocks is not Kingdom Language! Colossians 4: 5-6 Everything you say ought to make it easier for a lost person to Listen to you talk about Jesus! Be Careful with your Words. 2. Consider how you could help with OKC Public Schools and Adoption/Foster Care. Be Ready for every good deed!!

2) Español

Bible Dictionaries

search photo: search search.gif

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The ISBE is part of SwordSearcher Bible Software.

studylight photo: Studylight Capture-11.jpg

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jesus is the way photo: study animatedbiblestudyhgclr7bl.gif.

God Bless You!





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