quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2019

WORD OF GOD - God Speaks! - Hymn: "Speak to My Soul, Dear Jesus" (Esp) “Habla Señor a Mi Alma” (Port) “Fala à Minha Alma, Ó Cristo”

God speaks in silence


Bible's green facts

I. God Spoke 
Through the Prophets

For example, God Speaks to Abraham
Genesis 12 with Galatians 3:6-9; Hebrews 11:8-12


1.1 God Calls Samuel

Samuel hears from God as a Child

1 Samuel 3
New Century Version (NCV)

1 The boy Samuel served the Lord under Eli. In those days theLord did not speak directly to people very often; there were very few visions. 2 Eli's eyes were so weak he was almost blind. One night he was lying in bed.3 Samuel was also in bed in the Lord's house, where the Ark of the Agreement was. God's lamp was still burning.
 4 Then the Lord called Samuel, and Samuel answered, "I am here!" 

5 He ran to Eli and said, "I am here. You called me."
   But Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to bed." So Samuel went back to bed.
 6 The Lord called again, "Samuel!"
   Samuel again went to Eli and said, "I am here. You called me."
   Again Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to bed."
 7 Samuel did not yet know the Lord, and the Lord had not spoken directly to him yet. 

1 Samuel 3:10 Speak You Servant Is Listening (yellow)

8 The Lord called Samuel for the third time. Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "I am here. You called me."
   Then Eli realized the Lord was calling the boy.9 So he told Samuel, "Go to bed. If he calls you again, say, 'Speak, Lord. I am your servant and I am listening.' " So Samuel went and lay down in bed.
 10 The Lord came and stood there and called as he had before, "Samuel, Samuel!"
   Samuel said, "Speak, Lord. I am your servant and I am listening."
 11 The Lord said to Samuel, "Watch, I am going to do something in Israel that will shock those who hear about it.12 At that time I will do to Eli and his family everything I promised, from beginning to end.13 I told Eli I would punish his family always, because he knew his sons were evil. They acted without honor, but he did not stop them.14 So I swore to Eli's family, 'Your guilt will never be removed by sacrifice or offering.' "
 15 Samuel lay down until morning. Then he opened the doors of the house of the Lord. He was afraid to tell Eli about the vision,16 but Eli called to him, "Samuel, my son!"
   Samuel answered, "I am here."
 17 Eli asked, "What did the Lord say to you? Don't hide it from me. May God punish you terribly if you hide from me anything he said to you."18 So Samuel told Eli everything and did not hide anything from him. Then Eli said, "He is the Lord. Let him do what he thinks is best."
 19 The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up; he did not let any of Samuel's messages fail to come true.20 Then all Israel, from Dan to Beersheba,[a] knew Samuel was a true prophet of theLord.21 And the Lord continued to show himself at Shiloh, and he showed himself to Samuel through his word.

  1. 1 Samuel 3:20 Dan to Beersheba Dan was the city farthest north in Israel, and Beersheba was the city farthest south. So this means all the people of Israel.

New Testament on Environment Scriptures

II. God Has Spoken
Through His Son
(Hebrews 1:1-3; and Deuteronomy 4:30
John 1:1-17; Galatians 4:4,5
Ephesians 1:10; 1 John 1:1-4...) 

The Voice of God (devotional) (gray) - Hebrews 1:1
Hebrews 1:2 God Has Spoken In These Last Days:sage

Hebrews 1
New Century Version (NCV)

Hebrews 1

 1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways.2 But now in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son. God has chosen his Son to own all things, and through him he made the world.3 The Son reflects the glory of God and shows exactly what God is like. He holds everything together with his powerful word. When the Son made people clean from their sins, he sat down at the right side of God, the Great One in heaven.

1 John 1
New Century Version (NCV)

1 John 1:1 We Have Seen Jesus With Our Eyes (brown)

1 John 1

1 We write you now about what has always existed, which we have heard, we have seen with our own eyes, we have looked at, and we have touched with our hands. We write to you about the Word that gives life. 2 He who gives life was shown to us. We saw him and can give proof about it. And now we announce to you that he has life that continues forever. He was with God the Father and was shown to us.3 We announce to you what we have seen and heard, because we want you also to have fellowship with us. Our fellowship is with God the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We write this to you so we may be full of joy.  

The Holy Bible Pictures, Images and Photos

New Century Version (NCV)

Speak to My Soul

1. Speak to my soul, dear Jesus,
Speak now in tend’rest tone;
Whisper in loving kindness,
“Thou art not left alone.”
Open my heart to hear Thee,
Quickly to hear Thy voice,
Fill Thou my soul with praises,
Let me in Thee rejoice.


Speak Thou in softest whispers
Whispers of love to me,
“Thou shalt be always conq’ror,
Thou shalt be always free.”
Speak Thou to me each day, Lord,
Always in tend’rest tone,
Let me now hear Thy whisper,
“Thou art not left alone.”

2. Speak to Thy children ever,
Lead in the holy way;
Fill them with joy and gladness,
Teach them to watch and pray.
May they in consecration
Yield their whole lives to Thee,
Hasten Thy coming kingdom,
Till our dear Lord we see.

3. Speak now as in the old time
Thou didst reveal Thy will;
Let me know all my duty,
Let me Thy law fulfill.
Lead me to glorify Thee,
Help me to show Thy praise,
Gladly to do Thy bidding,
Honor Thee all my days.


1. Habla Señor a mi alma; habla Tu dulce voz;

Susurra en tiernas notas; “Tú no estas solo, no”.

Mi corazón prepara, presto a escuchar Tu ley,

loores mi alma llenen de contrición y fe.




Háblame en dulces notas; háblame con amor;

“Ya la victoria es tuya, no tengas más temor”

Háblame cada día, hable Tu tierna voz,

Susurre en mis oídos, “Tú no estás solo, no.”


2 Habla a tus hijos siempre, dales Tu santidad,

Llénalos de Tu gozo enséñales a orar.

A Ti consagren todo, vivan tan solo en Ti,

Traigan Tu reino pronto, vean Tu rostro aquí.


3. Habla tal en lo antiguo; diste Tu Santa ley,

Tus testimonios siempre, quiero guardar por fe.

Quiero magnificarte, quiero a Tí gloria dar,

El grato testimonio, de obedecer y amar.




(Letra 1)

1. Fala à minha alma, ó Cristo, fala-me com amor!

Segreda com ternura: “Eu sou Teu Salvador!”

Revela-me hoje e sempre qual seja o meu dever;

A Ti somente eu quero louvores entoar.

Teu nome eternamente Te engrandecer e honrar.




Fala-me em doces notas (*), em suave murmurar;

“Na Cruz verti Meu sangue para te libertar”

Fala-me cada dia; fala com terno amor.

Segreda-me ao ouvido: “Tu tens um Salvador!”.


2. Fala sempre aos Teus filhos; dá-lhes Tua direção;

Enche-os de grande gozo na lida, na oração.

Faze-os bem consagrados, prontos a trabalhar.

Para do Reino eterno, a vida abreviar.


3. Como na antiguidade mostravas Teu querer.

Revela-me hoje e sempre qual seja o meu dever;

A Ti somente eu quero louvores entoar.

Teu nome eternamente engrandecer e honrar.


(*)  “Fala-me em doces notas” ou  “Faze-me ouvir, bem manso”, conforme a letra original.

(Letra 2)

Fala à minha alma, ó Cristo, Fala-me com amor!
Segreda, com ternura: Eu sou teu Salvador!
Faze-me bem disposto para Te obedecer
Sempre louvar Teu nome e dedicar-Te o ser


Faze-me ouvir bem manso, em suave murmurar
Na cruz verti Meu sangue para te libertar
Fala-me cada dia, fala com terno amor
Segreda ao meu ouvido: Tu tens um Salvador!

Fala-me sempre, ó Cristo, dá-me orientação
Concede-me alegria e gozo em oração
Faze-me consagrado, mui pronto a trabalhar
Para do Reino eterno a vinda abreviar

Como na antiguidade mostravas Teu querer
Revela-me hoje e sempre qual seja o meu dever
A Ti somente eu quero louvores entoar
Teu nome eternamente engrandecer e honrar

(Letra 3)

Fala, Jesus querido; fala-me, hoje sim!
Fala com Tua bondade; fica ao pé de mim;
Meu coração aberto 'stá p'ra Tua voz ouvir;
Enche-me de louvores e gozo p'ra Te servir.


Fala-me suavemente! Fala, com muito amor!
Vencedor para sempre, livre te hei de por,
Fala-me cada dia, sempre em terno tom;
Ouvir Tua voz eu quero e neste mesmo som.

Para teus filhos fala, e, no caminho bom,
Pela bondade os guia a pedir o santo dom;
Quererão consagrar-se para suas vidas dar.
Obedecendo a Cristo e com fervor O amar.

Como no tempo antigo, Tu revelaste a lei,
Mostra-me Tua vontade, e à Tua santa grei;
Deixa-me gloriar-Te, quero a Ti louvar,
Cantar alegremente e sempre Te honrar. 

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