sábado, 29 de junho de 2019

COMFORT IN TRIALS - Weeping & Joy: "... Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" - (Psalm 30:5b)

Weeping & Joy 

Psalm 30:5

Psalm 30:5 Sorrow to Joy (devotional)

a. Weeping  

b. Joy  

I. Peace 

1.1 Have Peace 

of Mind and Heart

Isaiah 26:3

John 14:27

II. Faith 

2.1 Have Faith in God

III. Trials

3.1 Rejoice in Tribulation

1 Peter 4:12 Do Not Be Surprised At The Fiery Ordeals (red)
1 Peter 4:12 Do Not Be Surprised At The Fiery Ordeals (black)

1) English

If Your Heart Keeps Right

If Your Heart Keeps Right

The Cyber Hymnal™

 Awakening Songs for the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services page 58
Awakening Songs for the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services page 59

1. If the dark shadows gather as you go along,
Do not grieve for their coming; sing a cheery song.

There is joy for the taking; it will soon be light.
Every cloud wears a rainbow if your heart keeps right.


If your heart keeps right, 
if your heart keeps right,
There’s a song of gladness in the darkest night.

If your heart keeps right, 
if your heart keeps right,
Every cloud will wear a rainbow, 

if your heart keeps right.

2. Is your life just a tangle full of toil and care?
Smile a bit as you journey, others’ burdens share.
You’ll forget all your troubles, making their lives bright.
Skies will grow blue and sunny, if your heart keeps right.

3. There are blossoms of gladness, ’neath the winter’s snow.
From the gloom and the darkness come the morning glow.
Never give up the battle, you will win the fight;
Gain the rest of the victor, if your heart keeps right. 

2) Español

1. Si en tu senda las nubes agolparse ves,
No vaciles por ello ni flaqueen tus pies;
Cada nube que venga no podrá traer
Más que pruebas que pasan, si hay valor y fe.


Si hay valor y fe, si hay valor y fe,
En la más obscura noche siempre hay luz;
Si hay valor y fe, si hay valor y fe;
Gozo y paz traerá la lucha, si hay valor y fe.

2. Si es tu vida una carga de cuidados mil,
Olvidado de todo te podrás sentir,
Si tu apoyo acudieres a llevar doquier;
Esto endulza la vida, si hay valor y fe.

3. Pon en alto los ojos, sin dudar jamás
Que en las lides del mundo vencedor saldrás;
Que, si hay flores y encantos tras invierno cruel,
Trae encantos la vida, si hay valor y fe.

3) German

4) Português


1. Vindo sombras escuras nos caminhos teus,
oh, não desanimes, canta um hino a Deus!
Cada nuvem escura arco-íris traz
quando em teu coração reinar perfeita paz.


Se teu coração estiver em paz,
bem feliz e alegre a vida passarás.
Se teu coração estiver em paz,
verás que um arco-íris cada nuvem traz.

2. Se o viver é de lutas, cheio de amargor,
mostra afeto aos aflitos, age em seu favor.
E de tudo o que sofres tu te esquecerás;
fruirás muitas bênçãos se tiveres paz.

3. Vem após longa noite a aurora matinal,
fica o céu mais brilhante após o temporal.
A esperança não percas, tudo vencerás;
fugirão as tristezas se tiveres paz.

Read the Bible


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