sábado, 12 de novembro de 2016

THE WORD OF GOD - "Wonderful Words of Life" - (Psalm 119:103; John 6:63,68; Philippians 2:15-16)

Psalm 119:103

open bible photo:  5c78e43c.jpg

Peter's Confession of Faith

John 6
63 It is the spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I speak unto you, 
they are spirit, and they are life.

John 6
68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, 
to whom shall we go?
thou hast
the words of eternal life.

Philippians 2
15 That ye may be blameless
and harmless,
the sons of God, without rebuke,
in the midst of a crooked 
and perverse nation,
among whom ye shine
as lights in the world;
16 Holding forth the word of life;
that I may rejoice
in the day of Christ,
that I have not run in vain,
neither laboured in vain.




1. Sing them over again to me, 
wonderful words of life,
Let me more of their beauty see, 

wonderful words of life;
Words of life and beauty 

teach me faith and duty.


Beautiful words, wonderful words, 
wonderful words of life,
Beautiful words, wonderful words, 

wonderful words of life.

2. Christ, the blessed One, 
gives to all wonderful words of life;
Sinner, list to the loving call, 

wonderful words of life;
All so freely given, 

wooing us to heaven.

3. Sweetly echo the Gospel call, 
wonderful words of life;
Offer pardon and peace to all, 
wonderful words of life;
Jesus, only Savior, 
sanctify us forever.

2. Spanish

1. ¡Oh, cantádmelas otra vez!
Bellas palabras de vida;
Hallo en ellas mi gozo y luz,
Bellas palabras de vida.
Sí, de luz y vida
Son sostén y guía;


Qué bellas son, qué bellas son!
Bellas palabras de vida,
¡Qué bellas son, qué bellas son!
Bellas palabras de vida.

2. Jesucristo a todos da
Bellas palabras de vida;
El llamándote hoy está,
Bellas palabras de vida.
Bondadoso te salva,
Y al cielo te llama;

3. Grato el cántico sonará,
Bellas palabras de vida;
Tus pecados perdonará,
Bellas palabras de vida.
Sí, de luz y vida
Son sostén y guía;

3. Oromo

1. Ammas ammas na faarfadhu dubbii jireenyichaa
Anis qoreen ilalaa dubbii jireeny ichaa
Amantii fi jiruunsaa jireenya naaf kennaa.


Dubbii gaarii miidhagaadha dubbii dinqii jireenyaa
Dubbii gaarii miidhagaadha dubbii dinqii gooftaa.

2. Gooftaan keenya nu fayyisa dubbii jireenyichaan
Cubbamoota dammaqaatii dubbiisa hubadhaa
Tola isa nuu kenneera mootummaa isaatti nu galchaa.

3. Wangeelli amma nutti ni hima dubbii jireenyichaa
Nagaasaa kottaa dhaga’aa dubbii jireenyichaa
Yesuus fayyisaa keetii barabaraan arjaadha. 


5. Russian

1. Брат, напомни мне опять
Звуки слов любви,
Чтоб я сердцем мог понять
Тайну слов любви.
Песнь любви польется,
К небу дух взнесется.


Славьте Христа,
славьте Христа,
славьте любовь Христа!

2. Сам Спаситель в мир принес
Звуки слов любви;
И гласят в утеху слез
Звуки слов любви.
Песнь любви вещает:
Грешных Бог прощает.

3. Дышат радостью святой
Звуки слов любви;
Полны дивной красотой
Звуки слов любви.
Песнь любви Христовой
Будит к жизни новой.

6. Português

1. Quero ouvi-las mais outra vez,
Belas palavras de vida!
Narram tudo o que Cristo fez,
Belas palavras de vida!
Elas vêm de cima,
Seu poder anima.


Que alegres são!
Que alegres são!
Essas palavras de vida!
Que alegres são!
Que alegres são!
Essas palavras de vida!

2. Só Jesus Cristo a todos dá
Belas palavras de vida!
Sem Jesus salvação não há;
Belas palavras de vida!
Com amor conclama,
Para o céu te chama.

3. Só Jesus Cristo é Salvador!
Belas palavras de vida!
Quer salvar todo pecador!
Belas palavras de vida!
Ele vivifica E nos purifica.




Knowing Jesus


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