sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

PAUL'S MINISTRY - Epistle to Titus, Chapter 1: Elders in the Church - Qualified Elders - The Elders' Task: Rebuking Those Who Fail to Do Good - (with Photo, Maps, Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries & Sermons in English, Spanish and Portuguese) - (Part 1 of 3)

animated preacher photo: Preacher Ben (Large Animated Bodyshot) mz_4741076_bodyshot_300x400-1.gif

Map of Ancient Greece

greece map photo: Homeric Greece HomericGreece.png

Crete Island

crete island photo: Island of Crete  view 2 00970019.jpg

Letters Written by Paul


Paul's Voyage to Rome


Titus 1


II. TITUS’S WORK IN CRETE (Titus 1:5-16)

Map of Crete photo: Crete island - Greece csi3.jpg

2.1 Elders in the Church: 
Qualified Elders  (Titus 1:5-9)
(NIV* & NKV)

animated preacher photo: Preacher Ben (Large Animated Bodyshot) mz_4741076_bodyshot_300x400-1.gif

2.1.1 Their Desirability (1:5)

2.1.2 Their Qualifications (1:6-9)

qualifications photo: Qualifications Qualifications.jpg

ELDER photo: elder rpcasselder.jpg Appointing Elders Who Love What Is Good

a. Men who are appointed to the ministry 
must be of the highest character

2.2 The Elders’ Task (Titus 1:10-16)

false teachers photo: Who were these false teachers n nPRIDE:  In 1 Tim 1:7 false teachers coveted the role of teacher in order to be viewed as authoritative in interpreting the law They want to be teachers of the law but they do not know what they are talking about 60184_145159018861159_100001011846253_211080_467812_n.jpg

false prophets photo: beware falseprophets.png

2.2.1 Offenders in the Church
(NIV*) Rebuking Those Who Fail to Do Good

a. Be on your guard against counterfeit Christians

(*) The Ryrie Study Bible – New International Version


one of the largest islands in the Meditterranean, about 140  miles long and 35 broad

It was a very prosperous and populous island, having a “hundred cities.”

The character of the people is described in Paul's quotation from “one of their own poets” (Epimenides) in his epistle to Titus: “The Cretans are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” (Titus 1:12). Jews from Crete were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:11). The island was visited by Paul on his voyage to Rome (Acts 27).

Here Paul subsequently left Titus (1:5) “to ordain elders.” Some have supposed that it was the original home of the Caphtorim (q.v.) or Philistines.

Online Bible Study Tools

Matthew Henry Commentary 
on the Whole Bible (Complete)

1  2  3



to The Letter to Titus

1) English 

"Titus 1:1-4 Intro: Mission Statements interest me. A concise, clear statement of purpose, focus… Reason you exist. • To be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnerships and performances. (Chevron) • We will be the easiest pharmacy for customers to use. (CVS) • To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. (Nike) T/s – Today, take a look at the Mission statement of The Apostle Paul… A clear, concise summary of his Purpose, His proclamation, the Promise of the Gospel. Important for us… Our Mission/Purpose…Essence of Gospel Titus 1:1-4 Plug Wednesday Nights…. Already covered first and last parts. Also, Background… Paul to Titus (trusted partner on Crete) Meaning is combination of Vocabulary and Grammar. Heart: Three phrases that describe “Apostle” (Why I am Sent!) For the faith of those chosen of God For the knowledge of the truth which leads to godliness In (on the basis of) the hope of eternal life Vocabulary = A Key NT Term many here misunderstand. ILL – Hospital Board of Directors… Vocabulary. Acute Myocardial Infarction; Clostridium Difficile Perioperative (Pre… Peri… all around… Whole process) Eternal Life = Used 40+ times in NT (Often think everlasting) The Quality of Life which God gives to those who Believe in Jesus. (New and Everlasting) This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent. John 17:3 Paul was sent to proclaim God’s Promise of Eternal Life in Jesus. This mission statement gives us a better understanding of Eternal life. We Experience Eternal Life through Faith in Jesus. Exp – “For the Faith of those chosen of God.” • Beautiful balance between God’s initiative and our response. John 6:44 Like the Disciples… He calls, We Respond! • Savior (2 times here, 6 in Titus) We Trust Him. He Saves Us! ILL – FBC Daytona Beach, Fl and Bobby Welch --- evangelism “Are you a Christian?” (almost everyone yes) “Have you been saved?” (Confusion) “Have you ever experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ?” App – Eternal Life is our Present Position… New Quality of Life! John 3:16 – Have you trusted Jesus as Savior? We Exhibit Eternal Life through Godliness. Exp –(For) the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness • Notice the Trilogy of a transformed Life! Faith, Knowledge, Godliness • New Life is a past Experience and a present progression. Knowledge of the Truth = Gospel in fullest sense Godliness = an everyday conduct that displays devotion And connection to God. ILL – Australian Coat of Arm shows a Kangaroo and Emu They cannot move backward… “Advance Australia” App – They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him! God is Holy, Righteous, Justice, Faithful, Kind, Gracious True Knowledge makes us more life Him! We Expect Eternal Life through Hope. Exp – Vs. 2 makes one of the great promises of Security in NT. “Hope” = Confident Expectation! “Eternal Life” does have a forward Lean… Lasts forever! Our Hope is built on the Promises of God! ILL – Gary Payne sat in his chair this week and died (68) “I am not afraid to die.” Confidence == Hope in Christ as Savior! App – Verbs of Being and Death… Was/Is…. Rev. 14:13 Our Hope of Heaven is a Sure as the Promise of God. We Have His Word on It! Conclusion Notice the progression of Paul’s Purpose statement. Experience Eternal Life (Saved) Exhibit Eternal Life (Sanctified) Expect Eternal Life (Secure) Doubts about Heaven most often come to one who cannot give testimony of a life-changing faith encounter with Jesus; or, who cannot offer any evidence of godliness. Blunt: Do you have a testimony of faith? Do you have evidence of fruit? You Have a Confident Expectation of Heaven! Eternal Life is not a free pass to heaven you hope to cash in someday. Eternal life is the New kind of life we receive by faith in Jesus. Do you have Eternal Life? Do you Have New Life? (same question)"


Titus 1:1-4



2) Español 

 Tito 1:5-9

 3) Português 


"Escrevendo a Tito, o apóstolo Paulo mostra que uma igreja saudável é aquela que possui uma boa Declaração de Fé, harmonia nas relações, líderes capacitados e experimentados, doutrina correta, boas obras e ajuda aos necessitados."

Bible Dictionaries

search photo: search search.gif

ISBE Main Index:


The ISBE is part of SwordSearcher Bible Software.

studylight photo: Studylight Capture-11.jpg

Holman Bible Dictionary

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jesus is the way photo: study animatedbiblestudyhgclr7bl.gif.

God Bless You!





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