sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018

PAUL'S LETTER TO THE ROMANS - (with Videos, Maps, Photos, Bible Dictionaries, Commentaries, Sermons, Lessons & Notes on Romans)

The Roman Empire

map of the roman empire photo: El Imperio Romano en su máxima extensión, durante el reinado de Trajano (hacia el 117) Roman_Empire_Map.png

Paul's Third Missionary Journey

Paul's third missionary journey photo biblemap-apostle-paul-third-missio.gif

Ancient Corinth


Picture of the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5-volume set. 

1. Its Genuineness
2. Its Integrity
3. The Approximate Date
4. The Place of Writing
5. The Destination
6. The Language
7. The Occasion
8. Some Characteristics
9. Main Teachings of the Epistle
(1) Doctrine of Man
(2) Doctrine of God
(3) Doctrine of Son of God--Redemption; Justification
(4) Doctrine of the Spirit of God
(5) Doctrine of Duty
(6) Doctrine of Israel

Letters written by Paul / Locations

apostle paul photo: The APOSTLE PAUL PAULATDESK-1.jpg


Corinth, Greece (or Achaia)


1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians


 “…Paul wrote the letter to the Romans from the city of Corinth, while he was on his third missionary journey…

Paul's Letter to the Romans

Theme: “God of Righteousness”


English - [KJV]

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  

Español - [RV 1909]

 1  2   3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16

Português - [JFA]

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16






I. Salutation and Statement of Theme, 1:1-17

A. Greeting, 1:1-7

B. Paul’s Interest, 1:8-15

C. Theme, 1:16-17


II. Righteousness Needed; Condemnation, Sin, 1:18-3:20

A.   The Condemnation of the Gentile, 1:18-32

1. The cause of the condemnation: willful ignorance, 1:18-23

2. The consequences of the condemnation: divine abandonment, 1:24-32

B.   The Condemnation of the Moralist, 2:1-16

C.   The Condemnation of the Jew,  2:17-3:8

1. He did not keep the law of God, 2:17-29

2. He did not believe the promises of God, 3:1-8

D.   The Condemnation of All Men, 3:9-20

III. Righteousness Imputed; Justification, Salvation, 3:21-5:21

A. The Description of Righteousness, 3:21-31

B. The Illustration of Righteousness, 4:1-25

1. Abraham’s Faith was apart from works, 4:1-8

2. Abraham’s Faith was apart from circumcision, 4:9-12

3. Abraham’s Faith was apart from the law, 4:13-15

4. Abraham’s Faith was in God, 4:16-25

C. The Benefits of Righteousness, 5:1-11

D. The Applicability of Righteousness, 5:12-21

IV. Righteousness Imparted; Sanctification, Separation, 6:1-8:39

A. The Principles of Sanctification; The Question of License, 6:1-23

1. Shall we continue in sin?, 6:1-14

2. Shall we continue to sin?, 6:15-23

B. The Practice of Sanctification; The Question of Law, 7:1-25

1. Is the believer under law? 7:1-6

2. Is the law evil? 7:7-12

3. Is the law a cause of death? &:13-14

4. How can I resolve the struggle within myself? &:15-25

C. The Power of Sanctification; The Question of Living, 8:1-39

1. Emancipated living, 8:1-11

2. Exalted living, 8:12-17

3. Expectating living, 8:18-30

4. Exultant living, 8:31-39

V. Righteousness Vindicated; Dispensation, Sovereignty, 9:1-11:36

A. Israel’s Past; Election, 9:1-29

1. Paul’s sorrow, 9:1-5

2. God’s sovereignty, 9:6-29

B. Israel’s Present; Rejection, 9:30-10:21

C. Israel’s Future; Salvation, 11:1-36

1. The extent of Israel’s rejection (partial), 11:1-10

2. 1the purpose of Israel’s rejection, 11:11-24

3. The duration of Israel’s rejection (temporary), 11:25-32

4. Discourse on God’s wisdom, 11:33-36

VI. Righteousness Practiced; Application, Service, 12:1-15:13

A. In Relation to Ourselves, 12:1-2

B. In Relation to the Church, 12:3-8

C. In Relation to Society, 12:9-21

D. In Relation to Government, 13:1-14

E. In Relation to Other Believers, 14:1-15:13

1. Do not judge one another, 14:1-12

2. Do not hinder one another, 14:13-23

3. Do imitate Christ, 15:1-13

VII. Personal Messages and Benediction, 15:14-16:27

A. Paul’s Plans, 15:14-33

B. Paul’s Personal Greetings, 16:1-16

C. Paul’s Concluding, Admonition and Benediction, 16:17-27

(*) Source: "The RYRIE Study Bible", by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago

The Book of Romans


Notes on
Dr. Thomas L. Constable

Thomas L. Constable

Thomas L. Constable
Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition
Adjunct Professor in Bible Exposition


I. Introduction 1:1-17

A. Salutation 1:1-7
1. The writer 1:1
2. The subject of the epistle 1:2-5
3. The original recipients 1:6-7

B. Purpose 1:8-15

C. Theme 1:16-17

II. The need for God's righteousness 1:18—3:20

A. The need of all people 1:18-32
1. The reason for human guilt 1:18
2. The ungodliness of mankind 1:19-27
3. The wickedness of mankind 1:28-32

B. The need of good people 2:1—3:8
1. God's principles of judgment 2:1-16
2. The guilt of the Jews 2:17-29
3. Answers to objections 3:1-8

C. The guilt of all humanity 3:9-20

III. The imputation of God's righteousness 3:21—5:21

A. The description of justification 3:21-26

B. The defense of justification by faith alone 3:27-31

C. The proof of justification by faith from the law ch. 4
1. Abraham's justification by faith 4:1-5
2. David's testimony to justification by faith 4:6-8
3. The priority of faith to circumcision 4:9-12
4. The priority of faith to the promise concerning headship of many nations 4:13-17
5. The exemplary value of Abraham's faith 4:18-22
6. Conclusions from Abraham's example 4:23-25

D. The benefits of justification 5:1-11

E. The restorative effects of justification 5:12-21

IV. The impartation of God's righteousness chs. 6—8

A. The believer's relationship to sin ch. 6
1. Freedom from sin 6:1-14
2. Slavery to righteousness 6:15-23

B. The believer's relationship to the Law ch. 7
1. The Law's authority 7:1-6
2. The Law's activity 7:7-12
3. The Law's inability 7:13-25

C. The believer's relationship to God ch. 8
1. Our deliverance from the flesh by the power of the Spirit 8:1-11
2. Our new relationship to God 8:12-17
3. Our present sufferings and future glory 8:18-25
4. Our place in God's sovereign plan 8:26-30
5. Our eternal security 8:31-39

V. The vindication of God's righteousness chs. 9—11

A. Israel's past election ch. 9
1. God's blessings on Israel 9:1-5
2. God's election of Israel 9:6-13
3. God's freedom to elect 9:14-18
4. God's mercy toward Israel 9:19-29
5. God's mercy toward the Gentiles 9:30-33

B. Israel's present rejection ch. 10
1. The reason God has set Israel aside 10:1-7
2. The remedy for rejection 10:8-15
3. The continuing unbelief of Israel 10:16-21

C. Israel's future salvation ch. 11
1. Israel's rejection not total 11:1-10
2. Israel's rejection not final 11:11-24
3. Israel's restoration assured 11:25-32
4. Praise for God's wise plans 11:33-36

VI. The practice of God's righteousness 12:1—15:13

A. Dedication to God 12:1-2

B. Conduct within the church 12:3-21
1. The diversity of gifts 12:3-8
2. The necessity of love 12:9-21

C. Conduct within the state ch. 13
1. Conduct towards the government 13:1-7
2. Conduct toward unbelievers 13:8-10
3. Conduct in view of our hope 13:11-14

D. Conduct within Christian liberty 14:1—15:13
1. The folly of judging one another 14:1-12
2. The evil of offending one another 14:13-23
3. The importance of pleasing one another 15:1-6
4. the importance of accepting one another 15:7-13

VII. Conclusion 15:14—16:27

A. Paul's ministry 15:14-33
1. Past labors 15:14-21
2. Present program 15:22-29
3. Future plans 15:30-33

B. Personal matters ch. 16
1. A commendation 16:1-2
2. Various greetings to Christians in Rome 16:3-16
3. A warning 16:17-20
4. Greetings from Paul's companions 16:21-24
5. A doxology 16:25-27

Notes on

Commentaries & Sermons
on Romans

Paul's Letter to the Romans
by J. Brian Tucker, Ph.D.
(Moody Theological Seminary))

Online Bible Study Tools

Matthew Henry
Commentary on the Whole Bible 

Romans    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Bible Dictionaries

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Picture of the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5-volume set.

ISBE Main Index:


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Holman Bible Dictionary

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Jesus Christ





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