terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2018

PAUL'S MINISTRY - Second Epistle to the Corinthians (with Outline, Commentaries, Videos, Photos, Maps, Bible Studies & Bible Dictionaries)

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Chapters 1 - 13



English - [KJV]

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Español - [RV 1909]

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Português - [JFA]

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



I. Introduction, 1:1-11

A. Salutation, 1:1-2

B. Paul’s Gratitude for God’s Goodness, 1:3-11

II. The Apostle’s Conciliation with Respect to the Problem at Corinth, 1:12-2:13

A. The Change in Paul’s Plans, 1:12-2:4

B. The Change in the Offender’s Punishment, 2:5-11

C. The Meeting with Titus, 2:12-13

III. The Apostolic Ministry, 2:14-6:10

A. The Confidence of the Ministry: Victory, 2:14-17

B. The Commendation of the Ministry: Changed Lives, 3:1-3

C. The Covenant for the Ministry: The New Covenant, 3:4-18

D. The Charater of the Ministry: Supernatural, 4:1-6

E. The Circumnstances of the Minisry, 4:7-18

F. The Compulsions of the Ministry, 5:1-21

1. The assurance of resurrection, 5:1-9

2. The judgment seat of Christ, 5:10-13

3. The love of Christ, 5:14-21

G. The Conduct of the Ministry, 6:1-10

IV. The Apostle’s Exhortations to the Corinthians, 6:11-7:16

A. Be Open Toward Him, 6:11-13

B. Be Separated from Evil, 6:14-7:1

C. Be Assured of His Joy over Their Repentance, 7:2-16

V. The Apostle’s Solicitation (or colllection) for the Judean Saints, 8:1-9:15

A. Principles for Giving, 8:1-6

B. Purposes for Giving, 8:7-15

C. Policies in Giving, 8:16-9:5

D. Promises in Giving, 9:6-15

VI. The Apostle’s Vindication of Himself, 10:1-12:18

A. The Authority of His Apostleship, 10:1-18

B. The Marks of His Apostleship, 11:1-12:18

1. Paul’s conduct, 11:1-15

2. Paul’s sufferings, 11:16-33

3. Paul’s vision, 12:1-10

4. Paul’s unselfishness, 12:11-18

VII. Concluding, Remarks, 12:19-13:14

A. Appeal for Repentance, 12:19-21

B. Statement of Plans, 13:1-10

C. Greetings and Benediction, 13:11-14


(*) Source: “The RYRIE Study Bible” by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago



English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Introduction, 1-11

Greeting (vv 1-2)

Comfort in Suffering (vv 3-7)

Delivered from Suffering (vv 8-11)

Paul's Integrity, (12-24)

Paul’s Sincerity (vv 12-14)

Sparing the Church (vv 15-24)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Reaffirm Your Love, 1-17

Paul Urges Forgiveness (vv 1-2)

Forgive the Offender (vv 3-11)

Triumph in Christ (vv 12-17)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Ministers of a New Covenant, 1-18

Christ’s Epistle (vv 1-3)

The Spirit, Not the Letter (vv 4-6)

Glory of the New Covenant (vv 7-18)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Paul’s Apostolic Ministry, 1-18

The Light of Christ’s Gospel (vv 1-6)

Cast Down but Unconquered (vv 7-15)

Seeing the Invisible (vv 16-18)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


The Temporal and Eternal, 1-21

Assurance of the Resurrection (vv 1-8)

2 Corinthians 5:7 photo 257-20762Walk-by-Faith-Posters.jpg

The Judgment Seat of Christ (vv 9-11)

Be Reconciled to God (vv 12-21)

2 corinthians photo: 2 Corinthians 5v17 30agegi.jpg


2 corinthians 5 photo: 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 2cor.jpg

jesus died for us photo: Cross e.gif


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Their Ministry Commended, 1-18

Marks of the Ministry (vv 1-10)

Be Holy (vv 11-18)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Paul Reveals His Heart, 1-16

The Corinthians’ Repentance (vv 1-12)

The Joy of Titus (vv 13-16)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Great Generosity, 1-24

Excel in Giving (vv 1-7)

Christ Our Pattern (vv 8-15)

Collection for the Judean Saints (vv 16-24)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


God Gives Most, 1-15

Administering the Gift (vv 1-5)

The Cheerful Giver (vv 6-15)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Paul Confronts the Corinthians, 1-18

The Spiritual War (1-6)

Reality of Paul’s Authority (vv 7-11)

Limits of Paul’s Authority (vv 12-18)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Paul Defends His Apostleship, 1-33

Concern for Their Faithfulness (vv 1-4)

Paul and False Apostles (vv 5-15)

Reluctant Boasting (vv 16-21)

Suffering for Christ (vv 22-33)


English - [KJV]


Español - [RV 1909]

Português - [JFA]


Paul's Vision, 1-6

The Vision of Paradise (vv 1-6)

The Thorn in the Flesh (vv 7-10)

Signs of an Apostle (vv 11-13)

Love for the Church (vv 14-21)


English - [KJV]

Español - [RV 1909]


Português - [JFA]


Examine Yourselves, 1-14

Coming with Authority (vv 1-6)

Paul Prefers Gentleness (vv 7-10)

Greetings and Benediction (vv 11-14)

Titles and Subtitles: New King James Bible (NKJV) and New American Standard Bible (NASB)


a) Photos

b) Map

c) Video: Ancient Corinth

corinth greece photo: CORINTH CORINTH-1.jpg

II. Corinth in the Time of Paul

in the time of Paul
(C.A.D. 60)

ancient corinth photo: CORINTH, GREECE _CORINTH.jpg

Central Corinth
in the first century

CORINTH, GREECE photo corinth-3.jpg

2.1 Paul's Second Missionary Journey
Acts 15:40 - 18:22

Paul's second missionary journey photo biblemap-apostle-paul-second-missi.gif

2.2 Paul's Third Missionary Journey
Acts 18:23 - 21:17

Paul's third missionary journey photo biblemap-apostle-paul-third-missio.gif

2.3 The Corinthian Correspondence



Paul's Letters to a Troubled Church: 
1 & 2 Corinthians

New Life !  2 Corinthians 5:17 – 
Basic Bible Truths for New Believers

New Testament Introductions

The Epistles to the Corinthians

Notes on
Second Corinthians
Dr. Thomas L. Constable

Thomas L. Constable

Thomas L. Constable
Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition
Adjunct Professor in Bible Exposition


I. Introduction 1:1-11

A. Salutation 1:1-2

B. Thanksgiving for comfort in affliction 1:3-11

1. Thanksgiving for comfort 1:3-7
2. Thanksgiving for deliverance 1:8-11

II. Answers to insinuations about the sincerity of Paul's commitment to the Corinthians and to the ministry 1:12—7:16

A. Defense of Paul's conduct with regard to his promised visit and the offender 1:12—2:17

1. The postponement of the intended visit 1:12—2:4
2. The treatment of the offender and the result of the severe letter 2:5- 17

B. Exposition of Paul's view of the ministry 3:1—6:10

1. The superiority of Christian ministry to Mosaic ministry 3:1-11
2. The great boldness of the new ministers 3:12—4:6
3. The sufferings and supports of a minister of the gospel 4:7—5:10
4. The life of a minister of Christ 5:11—6:10

C. Appeal for restoration of the Corinthians' confidence in Paul 6:11—7:16

1. An appeal for large-heartedness and consistency 6:11—7:4
2. The encouraging response of the Corinthians so far 7:5-16

III. Instructions concerning the collection for the poor saints in Judea 8:1—9:15

A. The example of the Macedonians 8:1-7

B. The supreme motive for giving 8:8-15

C. The delegates of the churches 8:16-24

D. The anticipated visit of Paul 9:1-5

E. The benefits of generous giving 9:6-15

IV. Appeals concerning Paul's apostolic authority 10:1—13:10

A. Replies to charges made against Paul 10:1-18

1. Reply to the charge of cowardice 10:1-6
2. Reply to the charge of weakness 10:7-11
3. Reply to the charge of intrusion 10:12-18

B. Claims made by Paul 11:1—12:18

1. Paul's reasons for making these claims 11:1-6
2. Freedom to minister without charge 11:7-15
3. Paul's service and sufferings 11:16-33
4. Special revelations Paul received 12:1-10
5. Paul's supernatural miracles and paternal love 12:11-18

C. Exhortations in view of Paul's approaching visit 12:19—13:10

1. Paul's concerns 12:19-21
2. Paul's warnings 13:1-10

V. Conclusion 13:11-14

A. The exhortation 13:11-12

B. The salutation 13:13

C. The benediction 13:14


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Sermons from 
the Second Epistle to the Corinthians


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Online Bible Study Tools

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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Introduction to 2 Corinthians


The central theme of 2 Corinthians is the relationship between suffering and the power of the Spirit in Paul’s apostolic life, ministry, and message. Paul’s opponents had questioned his motives and his personal courage. They argued that he had suffered too much to be a Spirit-filled apostle of the risen Christ. But Paul argues that his suffering is the means God uses to reveal his glory (1:3–4, 11, 20).


Paul vindicates his apostolic ministry in order to (1) strengthen the faithful majority in Corinth (primarily chs. 1–7); (2) encourage them to contribute to the financial needs of other believers, as an expression of their repentance (primarily chs. 8–9); and (3) offer the rebellious minority in Corinth another chance to repent before he returns to judge those still rejecting him and his message (primarily chs. 10–13). ...”


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ISBE Main Index:


studylight photo: Studylight Capture-11.jpg


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