quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2018

PAUL'S MINISTRY - ROMANS, CHAPTER 14: Principles of Conscience - The Law of Love - Do not cause Another to stumble - (with Sermons, Commentary and Bible Dictionaries) - (Part 2 of 2)





Romans Chapter 14

bible gateway photo: bible gateway bg.gif
New King James Version - (NKJV)
Romans 14 

Outline of Romans




E    In Relation to Other Believers, 14:1 – 15:13

1. Principles of Conscience, 14:1 - 23

1.1 The Law of Liberty: Do Not Judge One Another, 1 - 12

     a. Don’t criticize each other’s convictions, 1 – 4  
b. People are different – make allowances, 5 – 12

1.2 The Law of Love: Do Not Hinder One Another, 13 – 23

a. Do not cause another to stumble: This should be our attitude, 13 – 23

Love your Neighbor

1 john 4 photo: God is love 1john48.jpg

Not to put any 
stumbling block
Romans 14:13,21

Romans 14:13 Therefore 
let us not judge 
one another anymore, 
but rather resolve this, 
not to put a stumbling block 
or a cause to fall 
in our brother’s way. 


Romans 14:2,3,6,14,15,20,21

Romans 14:2 For one believes 
he may eat all things, 
but he who is weak eats 
only vegetables.

Romans 14:15 But if thy brother 
be grieved with thy meat, 
now walkest thou not charitably. 
Destroy not him with thy meat, 
for whom Christ died. 

The Kingdom of God
Romans 14:17

 The Kingdom of God
Romans 14:17a

Food & Vine?



Romans 14:17a "for the kingdom of God 
is not eating and drinking,..." 

The Kingdom of God
Romans 14:17b

Righteousness, Peace 
and Joy in the Holy Spirit ?

Romans 14:17b "...but righteousness 
and peace and joy 
in the Holy Spirit."

Peace with God


Peace & Edification

Romans 14:19 Therefore 
let us pursue the things 
which make for peace 
and the things 
by which 
one may edify another.  


(*) The Ryrie Study Bible – NIV; New American Standard Bible (NASB); English Standard Version (ESV): God’s Word Translation (GW) and J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)


Romans 14:13-19
Romans 14:14

Romans 14:15-23


 Romans    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Bible Dictionaries


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ISBE Main Index:


studylight photo: StudyLight Capture-47.jpg

Holman Bible Dictionary
Browse by:     A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z




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