sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017

ANXIETY - Don't Be Anxious - (Psalm 55:22; Matthew 6:25-34; Phillipians 4:6,7; 1 Peter 5:7) / Hymn: "I Left It All With Jesus" (Hawaiʻi Aloha)


Don't be Anxious

I Left It All With Jesus
(Port) "Eu Deixei Tudo Com Jesus"

1) English

I Left It All With Jesus

The Cyber Hymnal™

Northfield Hymnal No. 3 page 77
Northfield Hymnal No. 3 page 78

1. Oh, I left it all with Jesus, long ago
All my sins I brought Him and my woe
When by faith I saw Him bleeding on the tree;
Heard His still small whisper, ’Tis for thee!
From my weary heart the burden rolled away;
Happy day! happy day!
From my weary heart the burden rolled away;
Happy day! happy day!

2. Oh, I leave it all with Jesus, for He knows
How to steal the bitter from life’s woes,
How to gild the tear of sorrow with His smile,
Make the desert garden bloom awhile.
Then with all my weakness leaning on His might,
All is light! All is light!
Then with all my weakness leaning on His might,
All is light! All is light!

3. Oh, I leave it all with Jesus, day by day;
Faith can firmly trust Him, come what may;
Hope has dropped for aye her anchor, found her rest
In the calm, sure haven of His breast.
Love esteems it joy of heaven to abide
At His side! At His side!
Love esteems it joy of Heaven to abide
At His side! At His side!

4. Leave, oh leave it all with Jesus, drooping soul;
Tell not half thy story, but the whole;
Worlds on worlds are hanging ever on His hand,
Life and death are waiting His command.
Yet His tender, loving mercy makes thee room:
Oh, come home! Oh, come home!
Yet His tender, loving mercy makes thee room:
Oh, come home! Oh, come home!

2) Hawaiian


The music used for the song "Hawaii Aloha" was taken from a Christian hymn entitled "I Left It All With Jesus", which was written in the 1840's by Pennsylvania singer and composer James McGranahan. King Kamehameha IV loved that hymn so much he asked missionary Reverend Lorenzo Lyons to rewrite the words and place the new song in a Hawaiian hymn book. Reverend Lyons had a church for many years in Waimea on the Big Island of Hawaii. "Hawaii Aloha" is also known as "Kuu One Hanau". (


Hawaiʻi Aloha
Words by Rev. Lorenzo Lyons, Music by James McGranahan


E Hawaiʻi e kuʻu one hānau e
ʻu home kulaīwi nei
ʻOli nō au i nā pono lani ou
E Hawai
ʻi, aloha ē

E hau
ʻoli nā ʻōpio o Hawaiʻi nei
ʻOli ē! ʻOli ē!
Mai nā aheahe makani e pā mai nei
Mau ke aloha, no Hawaiʻi 

E ha
ʻi mai kou mau kini lani e 
Kou mau kupa aloha, e Hawai
Nā mea
ʻōlino kamahaʻo no luna mai 
E Hawai
ʻi aloha ē 

Nā ke Akua E mālama mai iâ
Kou mau kualona aloha nei
Kou mau kahawai
ʻōlinolino mau 

Kou mau māla pua nani ē


O Hawaiʻi, o sands of my birth
My native home
I rejoice in the blessings of heaven
O Hawai
ʻi, aloha

Happy youth of Hawai
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Gentle breezes blow
Love always for Hawaiʻ

May your divine throngs speak
Your loving people, o Hawaiʻi
The holy light from above
O Hawa
i aloha

God protects you
Your beloved ridges
Your ever glistening streams
Your beautiful gardens

“Source: Na Mele o Hawaiʻi Nei by Elbert & Mahoe - One of the most beloved songs written by Rev. Lorenzo Lyons, also known as Makua Laiana, was taken from an old hymn "I Left It All With Jesus" composed by James McGranahan (1840-1907). Rev. Lyons arrived as a missionary in Waimea, Hawaiʻi, July 16, 183. He translated more than 900 hymns, became a citizen of Hawaiʻi and died in Waimea, Oct. 6, 1886”


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