sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2016

LETTER TO THE HEBREWS CHAPTER 8: The Superiority of The Priesthood of Christ - The New Priestly Service - A New Covenant - (with Commentaries & Dictionaries) - (Part 1 of 2)

The Tabernacle



Hebrews 8
New King James Version (NKJV)

Hebrews 5:1-10:39


2.3 Christ Is Superior in the Order 
of His Priesthood, 7:1-8:13 

2.3.1 The portrait of Melchizedek, 7:1-3 

2.3.2 The preeminence of the Melchizedek priesthood, 7:4-8:13 

(...) The New Priestly Service 
Hebrews 8:1-6 
(NKJV) A New Covenant 
Hebrews 8:7-13 


(NIV*): The Ryrie Study Bible - New International Version


1. The Covenants Between God and Man

1.1 The Old Covenant 

1.1.1 The Old Covenant
 was written in tablets of stone – 

Exodus 24:12; Deuteronomy 5:22

1.2 The New Covenant 

1.2.1 The New Covenant 
is written on our hearts 
Hebrews 8:8-13 with Jeremiah 31:31-34; 32:40; 
Ezekiel 11:19,20; 36:26,27 
and also Romans 5:5-8; 
Galatians 4:4-6; Ephesians 2:8-10...)



The OT term berith, covenant, is not easy to define. There is no matching VERB in Hebrew.        All attempts to derive an etymological definition have proved unconvincing. However, the obvious centrality of the concept has forced scholars to examine the word usage to attempt to determine its functional meaning.
Covenant is the means by which the one true God deals with His human creation. The concept of covenant, treaty, or agreement is crucial in understanding the biblical revelation. The tension between God’s sovereignty and human free-will are clearly seen in the concept of covenant. Some covenants are based on God’s character, actions, and purposes.
1.      creation itself (cf. Gen. 1-2)
2.      the call of Abraham (cf. Gen. 12)
3.      the covenant with Abraham (cf. Gen. 15)
4.      the preservation and promise to Noah (cf. Gen. 6-9)
However, the very nature of covenant demands a response
1.      by faith Adam must obey God and not eat of the tree in the midst of Eden (cf. Gen. 2)
2.      by faith Abraham must leave his family, follow God, 
and believe in future descendants (cf Gen. 12,15)
3.      by faith Noah must build a huge boat far from water and gather the animals (cf. Gen. 6-9)
4.      by faith Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt and received specific guidelines for religious and social life with promises of blessings and cursings (cf. Deut. 27-28)
          This same tension involving God’s relationship to humanity is addressed in the “new covenant.”. The tension can be clearly seen in comparing Ezek 18 with Ezek. 36:27-37. Is the covenant based on God’s gracious actions or mandated human response? This is the burning issue of the Old Covenant and the New. The goals of both are the same: (1) the restoration of fellowship lost in Gen. 3 and (2) the establishment of a righteous people who reflect God’s character.
 The new covenant of Jer. 31:3-34 solves the tension by removing human performance as the means of attaining acceptance. God’s law becomes an internal desire instead of an external performance. The goal of a godly, righteous people remains the same, but the methodology changes. Fallen mankind proved themselves inadequate to be God’s reflected image (cf. Rom. 3:9-18). The problem was not the covenant, but human sinfulness and weakness (cf. Rom. 7; Gal. 3).

 The same tension between OT unconditional and conditional covenants remains in the NT. Salvation is absolutely free in the finished work of Jesus Christ, but it requires repentance and faith (both initially and continually). It is both a legal pronouncement and a call to Christlikeness, an indicative statement of acceptance and an imperative to holiness! Believers are not save by their performance, but unto obedience (cf. Eph. 2:8-10). Godly living becomes the evidence of salvation, not the means of  salvation.

God in the Covenant 

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