terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2016

JESUS CHRIST AT THE DOOR - Hymn: "There's a Stranger at the Door" - [Let Him In]

Revelation 3:20

·         Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. [NKJV]


·         Apocalypse 3:20 Voici, je me tiens à la porte, et je frappe. Si quelqu'un entend ma voix et ouvre la porte, j'entrerai chez lui, je souperai avec lui, et lui avec moi. [LSG]


·         Apocalipsis 3:20 He aquí, yo estoy a la puerta y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él y cenaré con él, y él conmigo. [RVA-2015]


·         Apocalipse 3:20 Eis que estou à porta e bato; se alguém ouvir a minha voz e abrir a porta, entrarei em sua casa e com ele cearei, e ele, comigo. [ARC] 

There's a Stranger at the Door
Words: Jonathan B. Atchinson
Music: Edwin O. Excell

There's a Stranger at the Door

Icons and illustration of flag of United States of America


1. There's a Stranger at the door,
Let Him in;
He has been there oft before,
Let Him in;
Let Him in, ere He is gone,
Let Him in, the Holy One,
Jesus Christ, the Father's Son,
Let Him in.

2. Open now to Him your heart,
Let Him in;
If you wait He will depart,
Let Him in;
Let Him in, He is your Friend,
He your soul will sure defend,
He will keep you to the end,
Let Him in.

3. Hear you now His loving voice?
Let Him in;
Now, oh, now make Him your choice,
Let Him in;
He is standing at your door,
Joy to you He will restore,
And His name you will adore,
Let Him in.

4. Now admit the heav'nly Guest,
Let Him in;
He will make for you a feast,
Let Him in;
He will speak your sins forgiv'n.
And when earth ties all are riv'n,
Comfort, rest, you will be giv'n,

Let Him in.

Icons and illustration of flag of Spain

Icons and illustration of flag of Thailand

Icons and illustration of flag of Brazil

1. À tua porta Cristo está, abre-Lhe
Se Lhe abrires entrará,
Teu pecado perdoará,
Luz e paz derramará,
Nunca mais te deixará,

2. Abre-Lhe teu coração,
Demorar não deves não;
Teu amigo Ele há de ser,
E do mal te defender,
'Té o fim te proteger,

3. Não o faças esperar,
Afinal se há de afastar,
Oh! que dor depois terás,
Pois em vão clamarás,
E perdido te acharás,

Dios te bendiga!
Deus abençoe você!

1) Bible Verses

2) Images



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