segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

PAUL'S LETTER TO TITUS - (with Photos, Videos, Maps, Commentaries, Lessons, Sermons, Notes & Bible Dictionaries )


Letters Written by Paul


Paul's Voyage to Rome

Crete Island

crete photo: Crete crete.jpg


Map of Crete photo: Crete island - Greece csi3.jpg

Crete - (Map)

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one of the largest islands in the Meditterranean, about 140  miles long and 35 broad

It was a very prosperous and populous island, having a “hundred cities.”

The character of the people is described in Paul's quotation from “one of their own poets” (Epimenides) in his epistle to Titus: “The Cretans are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” (Titus 1:12). Jews from Crete were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:11). The island was visited by Paul on his voyage to Rome (Acts 27).

Here Paul subsequently left Titus (1:5) “to ordain elders.” Some have supposed that it was the original home of the Caphtorim (q.v.) or Philistines.

Paul’s Letter to Titus


English - [KJV]

1  2  3 

Español - [RV 1909]

1  2  3

Português - [JFA]

1  2  3

TITO: Deus das Obras –

[ (TITUS: God of Works) – (TITO: Dios de las Obras) ]

Versículo chave (Key verse): 3:8

Tito 3:8 Fiel é a palavra, e isto quero que deveras afirmes, para que os que creem em Deus procurem aplicar-se às boas obras; estas coisas são boas e proveitosas aos homens.” [ARC]

“Titus 3: 8 The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people.” [ESV]

“Tito 3:8 Palabra fiel es ésta, y en estas cosas quiero que insistas con firmeza, para que los que creen en Dios procuren ocuparse en buenas obras. Estas cosas son buenas y útiles a los hombres.” [RVR1995]



to The Letter to Titus

john macarthur photo: john macarthur dr_macarthur.jpg

John Fullerton MacArthur, Jr. 

is pastor-teacher  of Grace Community Church 
in Sun Valley, California 
and also currently serves as the
president of
  The Master's College 
in New Hall, California 

Source: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Notes on
Dr. Thomas L. Constable

Thomas L. Constable

Thomas L. Constable
Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition
Adjunct Professor in Bible Exposition


I. Salutation 
Titus 1:1-4

II. Instructions for setting 
the church in order 
Titus 1:5—3:11

A. The appointment of elders 
Titus 1:5-9

B. The correction of false teachers 
Titus 1:10-16

C. The conduct of the saints 
Titus 2:1—3:11

1. The behavior of various groups in the church 
Titus 2:1-15

2. The behavior of all in the church 
Titus 3:1-11

III. Conclusion 
Titus 3:12-15

Notes on

Bible Dictionaries

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Holman Bible Dictionary

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